Monday, September 29, 2008

The Vaccine Debate

Last week, Dr. David Kirby appeared before Congress to talk about vaccines and autism. It's a controversial subject, and numerous government studies have said that the shots don't lead to the condition.

Personally, I have a study going on right in my house. No matter what the government concludes, I will always - in my heart - know that they in some way influenced my little boy's condition. I could write pages and pages on this matter, but for brevity sake - I will let you in on Dr. Kirby's recent testimony.

Dr. Kirby argues:
*Thimerosal was not out of vaccines until 2003 - and it's still in some flu shots. So really - is it too soon to tell if there is a direct correlation?
*There are reports of a drop in severe autism cases in young children (the removal of that preservative would possibly lead to this?)
*Today, autism rates are higher among immigrants - thimerosal is still used in third world countries.

There are so many other interesting things Dr. Kirby notes - you can find it all on

I will tell you when we have another child, we are still going to get vaccines, but just without any preservatives - and also on a different schedule. Pediatricians are pushing these shots in these babies - too many, too soon. I urge others not to forego vaccines - because they are very important. Just truly research to find out when and what they NEED.

Love to all!

1 comment:

nhokkanen said...

A correction -- David Kirby is not a doctor, nor does he have a PhD. He is an investigative journalist.

I agree with your outlook on vaccinating safely. The CDC's one-size-fits-all protocol is not for everyone, as tens of thousands of injuries have shown. It's sad that public health administrators are so hesitant to slow the vaccine juggernaut and account for biodiversity.