Thursday, October 23, 2008

Latest on Cade's Progress

It has been at least a week since I've written - if not two weeks. It's been a busy month. We have gotten some really good news this month from Cade's teachers at his special preschool.

Apparently, in recent tests, Cade scored so well that he doesn't qualify for services under the "developmentally delayed" category. We'll still be able to probably get some sort of services from the school system when he goes to kindergarten next year - simply because of his diagnosis - but this may make it a little harder to get some services simply because it appears on paper he doesn't need them (as probably he did months and years ago).

It's a Catch 22! On one hand, we're incredibly happy he's caught up! Everything we've been doing for the past three years has not been in vain. Giving up my career was not in vain, all the hours and dollars of therapy were not in vain - all the sacrifices our whole family has made - not in vain. He really is recovering! But - on the other hand - as I stated before - we're going to have to fight to get services for him. His teacher believes our biggest weapon in that fight will be the fact he still runs away from us in public places. Cade has no fear of danger. MY biggest fear is him getting lost or running away, and us never finding him. But I know God is protecting him.

Cade leaving off for kindergarten will be very scary for me. I quiver just thinking about it. To anyone reading this blog - please pray that I will find comfort, and that Cade will be fully ready to go next fall. Also pray for Keeley. She will also be going to kindergarten, but I'm worried she may finally realize that her big brother is different. I know God chose Keeley too - to be Cade's sister. She is a strong and caring little girl. She will serve a great purpose to him and to us. I just worry because I know the world is cruel. I know there will be one day where maybe a child isn't as friendly as others to Cade - and Keeley will see that. Hopefully, she will be well prepared to handle that situation, with lots of prayer and love.

Love you all.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

How Did Cade Get Autism and Why? - Follow Up To The Vaccine Debate

Before you start thinking I'm one of those hippie moms and I'm anti-vaccine, let me let you in on a secret. I don't truly focus or spend all my efforts on how Cade got autism. Some believe that I need to do more to figure that out - simply because it could be financially worth it one day.

But here are my thoughts. I know it's God's plan - so I really don't question it. Yes, I weep with anger when I watch some home videos from around the time period he got the MMR, thinking of how something I so deeply trusted in (a vaccine), let me down. I hiss at the nurse at my pediatrician's office who blames Jenny McCarthy for (in her words) "all this mess."

But I know that there's a reason Cade has this condition. I know that years ago when I was a little girl God knew that I would one day be Cade's mom. I know that there is a purpose in it for me, for my loved ones, and especially for Cade. We're approaching the three year anniversary of his diagnosis, and as I get more far away from that actual day that my world officially changed - I've embraced it more. I feel honored God chose me. What an awesome but daunting responsibility - yet I know the rewards will be great. Thank you Lord for trusting in me to parent this beautiful child.

Love you all.