Thursday, October 2, 2008

How Did Cade Get Autism and Why? - Follow Up To The Vaccine Debate

Before you start thinking I'm one of those hippie moms and I'm anti-vaccine, let me let you in on a secret. I don't truly focus or spend all my efforts on how Cade got autism. Some believe that I need to do more to figure that out - simply because it could be financially worth it one day.

But here are my thoughts. I know it's God's plan - so I really don't question it. Yes, I weep with anger when I watch some home videos from around the time period he got the MMR, thinking of how something I so deeply trusted in (a vaccine), let me down. I hiss at the nurse at my pediatrician's office who blames Jenny McCarthy for (in her words) "all this mess."

But I know that there's a reason Cade has this condition. I know that years ago when I was a little girl God knew that I would one day be Cade's mom. I know that there is a purpose in it for me, for my loved ones, and especially for Cade. We're approaching the three year anniversary of his diagnosis, and as I get more far away from that actual day that my world officially changed - I've embraced it more. I feel honored God chose me. What an awesome but daunting responsibility - yet I know the rewards will be great. Thank you Lord for trusting in me to parent this beautiful child.

Love you all.

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